
An adventure in magnificence and style in Atacama Desert
If Patagonia is Chile's southern land of liquid and glacial poetry, then Atacama is its mirror image. Equally poetic, it is situated in the arid far north, and marked by the Chilean Altiplano, or high mountains and plains to the East, and the stoically desiccated Atacama desert along the coast.

Difficult: Easy
Season: All year around
Participants: Non minimum requiered
Prices per person: From US$ 1546
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Enjoy a unique environment of unexplored nature
In Patagonia, the landscape is majestic, distant and varied. Here, you can even feel the silence, a resource that´s increasingly scarce on this planet of ours. Not just anyone can visit Patagonia. This is a wonder-filled region of the world that wants to remains eternally pure.

Difficult: Easy  
Season: All year around
Participants: Non minimum requiered
Prices per person:    
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An adventure in magnificence and style in Patagonia
In Chilean Patagonia, a magical region of long forgotten pioneering and civilization, nature is still virgin, and the heart of this land - Torres del Paine National Park - exemplifies this indescribable scenery.

Difficult: Easy  
Season: All year around
Participants: Non minimum requiered
Prices per person:    
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Coyancura 2270, oficina 801, Providencia, Santiago, CHILE
Telefóno: (56 2) 333 1390 - Fax (56 2) 234 9783

Email: info@altue.com